This extraordinary one of a kind sandblasted water pipe with dichro, was the outcome of a collaboration between multiple glass artists. It features hand formed 19 mm female joint, a 14 millimeter slide, matching down stem and slide, dichro throughout, slime accents as well as a Jet Black matching mouth piece and foot.
The water pipe is a collaboration with the artist Bhaller Glass, who was PRISM Glassworks' guest artist for Troy Night Out in October 2020. Bhaller Glass fabricated the dichro sections and his good friend Marty Preston who accompanied him, constructed the wig wag and reversal designs with in house line tubing. PRISM artists Raj and Phil also contributed to achieving this beauty in house. As Raj created the honeycomb marble and Phil assembled the piece then spent numerous hours sandblasting the completed piece for the finishing touch.
- Produced with October 2020 Troy Night Out guest artist Bhaller Glass
- Artist Marty Preston & in house artists Phil Sundling and Rajin_Tech also contributed
- 50 x 5 mm tubing
- Matching down stem & slide
- Dichro throughout
- Slime Accents
- Homey comb marble
- Jet black wrapped lip piece and foot
- Freehand designed sandblasting
- 18'' Height
- Ice Pinched
Available on site at PRISM Glassworks gallery in Troy, NY.